United Nations ‘International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples’ as a Cover for Cultural Genocide of Indigenous Artists in the West

“The political explosive force of Zersetzung heightens demands regarding the maintenance of secrecy.”

Ministry for Security of State, Dictionary of political and operational work, entry Zersetzung: Ministerium für Staatssicherheit (Hrsg.): Wörterbuch zur politisch-operativen Arbeit, 2. Auflage (1985), Stichwort: “Zersetzung”, GVS JHS 001-400/81, p. 464.

Today 9th August 2019 commemorated the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples and is organised the United Nations General Assembly.

It is celebrated globally and the date, 9th August marks the date of the inaugural session of the Working Group on Indigenous Populations at the United Nations in 1982 to organise a commemoration via the j’Indigenous Peoples and Development Branch’.

They organise an event that unites indigenous peoples’ organizations, UN agencies, Member States, civilians and stakeholders in what would appear to be a propaganda exercise and media event.

“This year’s theme is Indigenous Languages and will focus on the current situation of indigenous languages around the world within the framework of the 2019 International Year of Indigenous Languages. The aim is to highlight the critical need to revitalize, preserve, and promote indigenous languages and share good practices through expert/interactive panels and presentation of innovative initiatives on indigenous languages. The event will also showcase creative initiatives and videos on indigenous languages at the United Nations visitor’s lobby.”

International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples 2019

However, this would appear to be a #Distraction, telling us to:

‘Look Over There!’ (Third World)
‘Don’t Look Over Here!’ (The West)
Old School London Graffiti Writers

…and the oppression of #CulturalGenocide being prosecuted in plain sight against the indigenous language:

…of underclass traditionally skilled artists from the indigenous Hip Hop subculture.

‘Art Gallery Not Needed’ Sign placed outside on our proposed gallery building intended to show contemporary traditionally skilled art by old school London Graffiti Writers

…in a situation which bans the autonomous representation of our work and replaces it with a fake, this war of Cultural Genocide waged against indigenous peoples by the European art market is backed by the Mainstream Media, Social Media, Big Tech, organisations, galleries, museums, charities and, it would appear, the United Nations, and is being secretly waged against the indigenous underclass, in the supposedly civilised West.

We should know we have been victims of their stalking in for over ten years of a #humanhunt of stalking, harassment burglaries, smears, censorship. blacklisting and attempted murder in which two fellow indigenous artists who spoke out against the corruption and censorship we suffer at the hands of the art market have died in mysterious, violent, circumstances.

Meanwhile our cultural identities and motifs are plagiarised and trafficked by impostors working as #strawmen for the art market offering a dumbed- down kitsch version of our culture, while we are banned, hunted, stalked and apparently murdered in the heart of the ‘free world’ the UK, Europe and beyond.

Meanwhile the United Nations work with and thus lend credibility to the art market who are actively engaged in the suppression of autonomous indigenous art.

This #distraction propaganda is waged through an apparent greenwash event which gives the impression that the United Nations are taking an active role in monitoring the unregulated and murderously predatory art market.

“The joint European Union (EU)-UNESCO project entitled “Engaging the European art market in the fight against the illicit trafficking of cultural property” aims at reinforcing the exercise of due diligence conduct in the European art trade – while sensitizing relevant stakeholders to the different implications of the unlawful trade regarding terrorism financing, organized crime and money laundering.

(i) To raise awareness of art market stakeholders regarding the legal framework of the fight against illicit trafficking of cultural property;

(ii) To provide assistance on the implementation of due diligence principles, including provenance check on the objects for sale and authenticity verification of documentation in order to avoid forged provenance information;

(iii) To strengthen cooperation among European art market professionals and public authorities and proceed to exchange good practices.

The project has two central elements: a capacity-building conference and an online knowledge-sharing platform.

The capacity-building conference on 20-21 March 2018 aims at bringing together representatives from EU Member States’ governments and the art market on equal parts and shall sensitize relevant stakeholders on the topic of due diligence.

A knowledge-sharing online platform will be accessible for the public in order for it to learn and inform itself on the issue. In cooperation with learning, a French start-up developing a digital learning platform, a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) will be created after the conference. This MOOC shall comprise relevant information on how to engage in the fight against the illicit trafficking of cultural property – also focusing specifically on the role of due diligence.

The project is co-financed by the European Commission and UNESCO.”

Engaging the European art market in the fight against the illicit trafficking of cultural property

However, in a situation in which indigenous language of underclass in the Western world in the form of traditionally skilled art of Hip Hop, graffiti writing,

Blade in trainyard, circa mid 1970s

…and the myriad forms which spring from it

Oil on Canvas, 90cm x 90cm: The Hangman’s Beautiful Daughter’ by Jon Hammer aka Elate, 2008

…the underclass indigenous people’s traditional folk art is censored and blacklisted and our identities and motifs are a victim of the Illicit Trafficking of Cultural Property by establishment stooges while the grassroots art form is brutally suppressed apparently using murderous violence accompanied the Nazi/Stasi no-touch torture method of zersetzung:

“…the Stasi often used a method which was really diabolic. It was called Zersetzung, and it’s described in another guideline. The word is difficult to translate because it means originally “biodegradation.” But actually, it’s a quite accurate description. The goal was to destroy secretly the self-confidence of people, for example by damaging their reputation, by organizing failures in their work, and by destroying their personal relationships. Considering this, East Germany was a very modern dictatorship. The Stasi didn’t try to arrest every dissident. It preferred to paralyze them, and it could do so because it had access to so much personal information and to so many institutions.”

Hubertus Knabe, German Historian

“Directive 1/76 lists the following as tried and tested forms of Zersetzung, among others: a systematic degradation of reputation, image, and prestige on the basis of true, verifiable and discrediting information together with untrue, credible, irrefutable, and thus also discrediting information; a systematic engineering of social and professional failures to undermine the self-confidence of individuals; … engendering of doubts regarding future prospects; engendering of mistrust and mutual suspicion within groups …; interrupting respectively impeding the mutual relations within a group in space or time …, for example by … assigning geographically distant workplaces.”

Directive No. 1/76 of January 1976 for the development of “operational procedures”

…this is backed with brutal violence and mysterious deaths:

…meaning the event, the United Nations ‘International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples’:

…would appear to be no more than hollow propaganda enabling atrocities by working as a #ReversiveBlockade.

Reversive blockade: Emphatically insisting upon something which is the opposite of the truth, this blocks the average person’s mind from perceiving the truth. In accordance with the dictates of healthy common sense, he starts searching for meaning in the “golden mean” between the truth and its opposite, winding up with some satisfactory counterfeit. People who think like this do not realize that this was precisely the intent of the person who subjected them to this method. If such a statement is the opposite of a moral truth, at the same time, it simultaneously represents an extreme paramoralism, and bears its peculiar suggestiveness. We rarely see this method being used by normal people; even if raised by the people who abused it; they usually only indicate its results [on their thinking] in the shape of characteristic difficulties in apprehending reality properly. Use of this method can be included within the above-mentioned psychological knowledge developed by psychopaths concerning the weaknesses of human nature and the art of leading others into error. Where they are in rule, this method is used with virtuosity, and to an extent conterminous with their power.”

Dr Andrew M. Lobaczewski, ‘Political Ponerology’

UN Ambassador Victoria Beckham is, in fact, involved in the zersetzung stalking described above, apparently on behalf of her good friend Damien Hirst:

…so the very agency asserting that they stand up for the rights of indigenous people, are directly involved in crushing them, a fact of which we have a great deal of evidence. The UN has long been criticised, for it is alleged that:

“The United Nations has exhausted its model and it is not simply a matter of proceeding with reform, the twenty-first century demands deep changes that are only possible with a rebuilding of this organisation.”

Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
H.E. Mr. Jorge Valero Briceño, Chairman of the Delegation, 29 September, 2010

Venezuela also called for the UN Security Council suspension of veto rights as it was a:

“remnant of the Second World War [it] is incompatible with the principle of sovereign equality of States”

…so what is really going on with indigenous people. If the ‘powers that be’ are able to conduct a war against human rights without public knowledge in the supposed cradle of human rights, the West, how can we possible believe that just because the UN do a propaganda day for the rights of indigenous people worldwide, that they are really being respected. What is happening to the underclass indigenous peoples in the West is going on worldwide and the UN would appear to be acting as little more than a public relations bureau for the powers looting the planet.United Nations ‘International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples’ is a con. Professor John McMurtry:

“Across the world, poverty-stricken indigenous peoples have been driven off their landbases by local oligarchies who seize the land for resource extraction or cash-crop plantations to export their takings to richer markets. Those who have sought to protect the life of their communities by organized resistance have been hunted down by death-squads, napalm-bombed or otherwise attacked by armed forces representing the invasive corporate agents – a pattern of events which is still occurring from Guatemala, Chiapas, Cameroon and Ogoniland to Indonesia, Burma, China and the Philippines.

The military-industrial establishment and the armaments business it leads have their own special global interests in this restructuring of life economies to money economies. They are the world’s most powerful institutions of both organized violence and manufacture trade. Thus it is essential that they be sold as society’s primary form of ‘self-defence’ to preserve their continued control over vast pools of public wealth.

To separate the human and the non-human reductions and destructions of life here is artificial.

It impacts the entire life-ground by polluting any process of it. The destruction of life habitats by global market operations also advances by other means – clearcutting forests the size of England and Wales every year, scraping ocean bottoms with miles-long dragnets of factory ships so no fish stocks are left, blacktopping countrysides and wetlands for urban developers as fast as the forests are felled – we have seen the facts.

The point here, again, is that what assaults, reduces and destroys nonhuman being also attacks the conditions of human life both directly and indirectly. ‘We cannot’, say the indigenous peoples, ‘harm any part of the earth without harming ourselves.’

The reduction of biodiversity is another themal consequence of the ‘free’ corporate market. The systematic extinction of the species at hundreds of times the natural rate will also continue as long as this system is not regulated by the ordering requirements of a life-sequence economy. As
long as this system is left to self-regulation by the non-life principle of multiplying money-demand for money investors, it will continue to eliminate the costs of life-protection which have no place in its calculus.
[…] ethnic wars, racist attacks, armed violence, urban riots, beatings of women and children and – in general – mass murders of unknown others rise in social sites where the unemployment of young men or clearances of subsistence farmers has become endemic. This pattern can be observed from the slums of North America to the cities of Indonesia, El Salvador or Brazil. The life-loss on the psychological plane to people separated from a committed function to perform for the community to which they belong expresses itself in physical morbidities, but is a distinct plane of the systemic life decline, the most central from the standpoint of the felt side of life. The mental torments of those who are deprived of any function or value in their society can only at this stage be guessed at as a social epidemic across all able-bodied age-groups and even entire societies (for example, indigenous peoples). Where no recognized work for a wider community is or can be performed, the member of the social body is made a superfluous being who has ‘no reason to live’
How then can it be that nations who purport to respect international law continue to increase their financial support and collaboration with trading partners incontestably guilty of the most heinous violations of international law by war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide, mass murder, enslavement, and systematic torture?
Where justification is thought necessary, it argues that this profitable complicity with criminal violators is in fact good. This is predictable from the programme. Whatever promotes ‘the free circulation of capital and commodities’ … is…argued that [it] is beneficial to the victims because it will ‘bring freedom and democracy’ to the afflicted societies […] the relationship between state militaries equipped with advanced weapons commodities using these armaments to clear indigenous people off the land, a pattern as old as colonization and implemented also in such places as Guatemala, Somalia, East Timor and the Philippines.[…] International initiatives to save the environment can be used to further uproot the indigenous and the poor from their environments to, say, ‘save tropical rainforests’, a further deflection of the global market paradigm from facing the consequences of global market industrial destruction as the primary determinant of rapidly disappearing forest habitats.”

Professor John McMurtry, ‘The Cancer Stage of Capitalism’

A similar trick is now being used by the UN affiliation with the art market, culture industry, Mainstream Media, Social Media and Big Tech, enabling the destruction of Western, indigenous underclass culture:

‘Yuppies Coming’ Flickr Attribution ‘Mark’, ‘Kingshill House’

…and the driving of indigenous folk from their habitat from behind a wall of kitsch:

…through the most heinous and underhand means possible. If they can get away with covering up atrocities here in the West, just think what they might be getting away with in enabling the taking the rights of indigenous peoples globally where they are is even less opportunity for scrutiny.

Trump on Baltimore Shows why Hip Hop was Kitsched by the Racist Left into a Modern Minstrel Show

Having hustled on the frontline in the murder capital of London and been part of the first generation of London Hip Hop I, as one of the founders of Propaganda Watchdog think I’ve got a right to speak out about Trumps Tweets about “rat infested” Baltimore, and what the hell the Democrats and the left in general have done for blacks/ multi-ethnics/ underclass- I’ll let Grandmaster Flash and the FURIOUS Five do the talking from before Hip Hop was sanitised into a Minstrel show of greed and internecine violence to Divide and Conquer

It’s like a jungle sometimes
It makes me wonder how I keep from going under
It’s like a jungle sometimes
It makes me wonder how I keep from going under

[Verse 1]
Broken glass everywhere
People pissing on the stairs, you know they just don’t care
I can’t take the smell, can’t take the noise
Got no money to move out, I guess I got no choice
Rats in the front room, roaches in the back
Junkies in the alley with a baseball bat
I tried to get away but I couldn’t get far
‘Cause a man with a tow truck repossessed my car

Don’t push me, ’cause I’m close to the edge
I’m trying not to lose my head
It’s like a jungle sometimes
It makes me wonder how I keep from going under

[Verse 2]
Standing on the front stoop, hanging out the window
Watching all the cars go by, roaring as the breezes blow
Crazy lady, living in a bag
Eating out of garbage pails, used to be a fag hag
Said she’ll dance the tango, skip the light fandango
A Zircon princess seemed to lost her senses
Down at the peep show watching all the creeps
So she can tell her stories to the girls back home
She went to the city and got social security
She had to get a pimp, she couldn’t make it on her own

Don’t push me, ’cause I’m close to the edge
I’m trying not to lose my head
It’s like a jungle sometimes
It makes me wonder how I keep from going under

[Verse 3]
My brother’s doing bad, stole my mother’s TV
Says she watches too much, it’s just not healthy
All My Children in the daytime, Dallas at night
Can’t even see the game or the Sugar Ray fight
The bill collectors, they ring my phone
And scare my wife when I’m not home
Got a bum education, double-digit inflation
Can’t take the train to the job, there’s a strike at the station
Neon King Kong standing on my back
Can’t stop to turn around, broke my sacroiliac
A mid-range migraine, cancered membrane
Sometimes I think I’m going insane
I swear I might hijack a plane!

Don’t push me, ’cause I’m close to the edge
I’m trying not to lose my head
It’s like a jungle sometimes
It makes me wonder how I keep from going under

[Verse 4]
My son said, Daddy, I don’t wanna go to school
‘Cause the teacher’s a jerk, he must think I’m a fool
And all the kids smoke reefer, I think it’d be cheaper
If I just got a job, learned to be a street sweeper
Or dance to the beat, shuffle my feet
Wear a shirt and tie and run with the creeps
‘Cause it’s all about money; ain’t a damn thing funny
You got to have a con in this land of milk and honey
They pushed that girl in front of the train
Took her to the doctor, sewed her arm on again
Stabbed that man right in his heart
Gave him a transplant for a brand new start
I can’t walk through the park, ’cause it’s crazy after dark
Keep my hand on my gun, ’cause they got me on the run
I feel like a outlaw, broke my last glass jaw
Hear them say “You want some more?”, living on a see-saw

Don’t push me, ’cause I’m close to the edge
I’m trying not to lose my head
It’s like a jungle sometimes
It makes me wonder how I keep from going under

[Verse 5]
A child is born with no state of mind
Blind to the ways of mankind
God is smiling on you, but he’s frowning too
Because only God knows what you’ll go through
You’ll grow in the ghetto living second-rate
And your eyes will sing a song called deep hate
The places you play and where you stay
Looks like one great big alleyway
You’ll admire all the number-book takers
Thugs, pimps and pushers and the big money-makers
Driving big cars, spending twenties and tens
And you’ll wanna grow up to be just like them, huh
Smugglers, scramblers, burglars, gamblers
Pickpocket peddlers, even panhandlers
You say “I’m cool, huh, I’m no fool.”
But then you wind up dropping outta high school
Now you’re unemployed, all null and void
Walking ’round like you’re Pretty Boy Floyd
Turned stick-up kid, but look what you done did
Got sent up for a eight-year bid
Now your manhood is took and you’re a Maytag
Spend the next two years as a undercover fag
Being used and abused to serve like hell
‘Til one day you was found hung dead in the cell
It was plain to see that your life was lost
You was cold and your body swung back and forth
But now your eyes sing the sad, sad song
Of how you lived so fast and died so young, so…

Don’t push me, ’cause I’m close to the edge
I’m trying not to lose my head
It’s like a jungle sometimes
It makes me wonder how I keep from going under

Songwriters: CARL DAVIS
© Kobalt Music Publishing Ltd.
“The Message”by Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five was released as a single by Sugar Hill Records on July 1, 1982 and was later featured on the group’s first studio album, The Message.

Mueller Exposes Chomsky/Herman #Sourcing of Fake News as #HegelianDialectic and #ReversiveBlockade

The Mueller hearing exposed an example of the #ProblemReactionSolution method of the erroneous #Sourcing of #FakeNews we have been subject to from the entire #MainstreamMedia for years.

In fact, in its capacity as #FakeNews it is an object lesson in propaganda as it also gives us a perfect example of the notorious #ReversiveBlockade and sets the bar for the ‘turning upside down’ of the law under globalisation.

In the recent hearing, Mueller, apart from his refusal to answer questions on the most important issues, such as the illegitimate #Sourcing of the entire investigation in a phoney ‘dossier’ used in the FISA application, actually appeared to know very little, if anything at all, about the content of what was supposed to be his own ‘investigation’.

Despite it being called the ‘Mueller Report’ this situation indicates his use as a #Strawman put in place to lend legitimacy in the form of #Transfer and #Testimonial propaganda of the #AssociationFallacy, onto a group of highly partisan lawyers who compiled the report largely from #FakeNews sources they themselves created, or events that were engineered though rogue intelligence sources, and given weight by #Transfer and #Testimonial propaganda of the #AssociationFallacy.

“Robert Swan Mueller III…is an American lawyer and government official who served as the sixth Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation from 2001 to 2013.

A graduate of Princeton University and New York University, Mueller served as a Marine Corps officer during the Vietnam War, receiving a Bronze Star for heroism and a Purple Heart. He subsequently attended the University of Virginia School of Law. Mueller is a registered Republican in Washington, D.C., and was appointed and reappointed to Senate-confirmed positions by presidents George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama.

Mueller has served both in government and private practice. He was an assistant United States attorney; a United States attorney; United States assistant attorney general for the Criminal Division; a homicide prosecutor in Washington, D.C.; acting United States deputy attorney general; and director of the FBI. Mueller was also a partner at the D.C. law firm WilmerHale before being appointed as special counsel.

On May 17, 2017, Mueller was appointed by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein as special counsel overseeing an investigation into allegations of Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election and related matters. Mueller submitted his report to Attorney General William Barr on March 22, 2019. On April 18, 2019, the Department of Justice released the special counsel’s final report. On May 29, 2019, Mueller officially resigned his post and the Office of the Special Counsel was closed.”

Robert Mueller Wikipedia Biography as at 25th July 2019

Robert Mueller’s history, as presented here by Wikipedia and asserted continually for over two years in the Mainstream Media depicting him as a hero, lends the ‘investigation’ legitimacy despite its origin in the phony ‘#Pissgate’ dossier by affording him as #SacredCow status:

#SacredCow Definition:

“a sacred cow

Someone or something that is considered to have a status that allows it avoid any criticism or questioning. The phraserefers to the veneration of the cow in Hinduism.”


This status, while likely legitimately earned, and affording him massive #PoliticalCapital and #CulturalCapital protects his position as a #Strawman as the media ‘face’ of the Mueller Investigation,

#Strawman – Mueller Report

“straw man

n. 1) a person to whom title to property or a business interest is transferred for the sole purpose of concealing the true owner and/or the business machinations of the parties. Thus, the straw man has no real interest or participation but is merely a passive stand in for a real participant who secretly controls activities.

Copyright © 1981-2005 by Gerald N. Hill and Kathleen T. Hill. All Right reserved

In this case a team of partisan lawyer activists used the media as a weapon creating a closed circuit feedback loop of lies, which we have identified as Hegelian Dialectic

This was apparently not even anything to do with Mueller, apart from using his name.

Fox News Contributor and former Representative Trey Gowdy (R-SC) stated that Mueller “clearly” didn’t write the Mueller report.

Gowdy said Democrats are “not closer to anything other than wishing this had never happened. Bad facts make for bad witnesses. Bad witnesses make for bad hearings, and this one was an abject, miserable failure. The person who learned the most about the Mueller report today was Bob Mueller. I say that sadly. He was not engaged. He didn’t interview the witnesses. He clearly didn’t write the report.”


…this attempted Palace Coup has been described by President Trump as a #Witchhunt, an assertion apparently now verified.

…and due to the use of partisan activist lawyers:

witch hunt noun
Definition of witch hunt
1 : a searching out for persecution of persons accused of witchcraft
2 : the searching out and deliberate harassment of those (such as political opponents) with unpopular views

https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/witch%20hunt [Added Emphasis]

This was executed by a team of lawyers who, all being Democrats, failed to live up to the legal standard for an appearance of non-bias and who apparently worked closely in concert with the media and rogue intelligence in an attempt to manufacture a consensus, thus taking the Chomsky and Herman definition of #Sourcing propaganda described in Manufacturing Consent, to a new level of intrigue:

“the reliance of the media on information provided by government, business, and “experts” funded and approved by these primary sources and agents of power[…]

The mass media are drawn into a symbiotic relationship with powerful sources of information by economic necessity and reciprocity of interest. The media need a steady, reliable flow of the raw material of news.

They have daily news demands and imperative news schedules that they must meet. […] The White House, the Pentagon, and the State Department, in Washington, D.C., are central nodes of … news activity.

… These bureaucracies turn out a large volume of material that meets the demands of news organizations for reliable, scheduled flows. Mark Fishman calls this “the principle of bureaucratic affinity:

“only other bureaucracies can satisfy the input needs of a news bureaucracy.”

Government and corporate sources also have the great merit of being recognizable and credible by their status and prestige. This is important to the mass media…. they need material that can be portrayed as presumptively accurate.

Hermann & Chomsky, ‘Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy Of The Mass Media 1988

What has been done with the Mueller report pioneers a new and vicious, weaponised version of #Sourcing in which colloquial (everyday) language, in this case the words ‘Exoneration’ and ‘Collusion’ , after being misused by the ‘Mueller team’ in ‘his’ report, and used by pundits as if they were legal terminology by lawyers and government actors as pundits on Mainstream Media, Social Media and Big Tech, where, on the back of their misuse by the Mueller team of partisan lawyers, they use the words repeatedly, as if to appear that they exist in a legal framework, to masquerade as legal language, in an attempt to ‘convict’ Trump in the ‘kangaroo court’ of public opinion, in Mainstream Media and on Social Media and Big Tech using the loaded terms ‘collusion’ and ‘exoneration’.

TURNER: You…threw overboard the word collusion because it’s not a legal term. You would not conclude because collusion was not a legal term?

MUELLER: Well, it depends on how you want to use the word. In a general parlance, people can think of it that way, if you’re talking about in a criminal statute arena, you can’t. Because it really — it’s much more accurately described as conspiracy.

TURNER: All right. So in your words, it’s not a legal term, so you didn’t put it in your conclusion. Correct?

TURNER: Mr. Mueller, I want to focus on one word in your report…. It’s exonerate. The report states accordingly, while [it] does not conclude that the president committed a crime, it does not exonerate him. Now… you’ve already agreed with Mr. Ratcliffe that exonerate is not a legal term, that there is not a legal test for this.

So I have a question… does the attorney general have the power or authority to exonerate? What I’m putting up here is the United States code. This is where the attorney general gets his power and the Constitution and the annotated cases of these, which then starts, we even went to your law school, I went to Case Western, but I thought maybe your law school teaches it differently, and we got the criminal law textbook from your law school.

Mr. Mueller, nowhere in these — because we had these scanned — is there a process or description on exonerate. There’s no office of exoneration at the attorney general’s office. There’s no certificate at the bottom of his desk. Mr. Mueller, would you agree with me that the attorney general does not have the power to exonerate?

MUELLER: I’m going to pass on that.


MUELLER: Because it embroils us in a legal discussion, and I’m not prepared to do a legal discussion in that arena.

TURNER: Mr. Mueller, you would not disagree with me when I say that there is no place that the attorney general has the power to exonerate and he’s not been given that authority?

MUELLER: I’m not going to — I take your question.

TURNER: Great. The one thing that I guess, is that the attorney general probably knows he can’t exonerate either, and that’s the part that kind of confuses me. Because if the attorney general doesn’t have the power to exonerate, then you don’t have the power to exonerate, and I believe he knows he doesn’t have the power to exonerate.

And so this is that I don’t understand. If your report is to the attorney general, and the attorney general doesn’t have the power to exonerate and he does not — and he knows you do not have that power, you don’t have to tell him that you’re not exonerating the president. He knows this already. So then that kind of changes the context of the report.

MUELLER: No. We included in the report for exactly that reason. He may not know it and should.

TURNER: So you believe that Attorney Bill Barr believes somewhere in the hallways of the Department of Justice, there’s an office of exoneration?

MUELLER: No, that’s not what I said.

TURNER: Well I believe he knows and I don’t believe you put that in there for Mr. Barr. I think you put that in there for exactly what I’m going to discuss next, and that is, so “The Washington Post” yesterday, when speaking of your report, the article said Trump could not be exonerated of trying to obstruct the investigation itself.

Trump could not be exonerated. Now, that statement is correct, Mr. Mueller isn’t it, in that no one can be exonerated? The reporter wrote this. This reporter can’t be exonerated. Mr. Mueller, you can’t be exonerated. In fact, in our criminal justice system, there is no power or authority to exonerate.

Now, this is my concern, Mr. Mueller, this is the headline on all of the news channels while you were testifying today Mueller, Trump was not exonerated.

Now, Mr. Mueller, what you know is that this [you] can’t say Mueller exonerated Trump. Because you don’t have the power or authority to exonerate Trump, you had no more power to declare him exonerated than you have the power to declare him Anderson Cooper.

So the problem that I have here is that, since there’s no one in the criminal justice system that has that power — the president pardons, he doesn’t exonerate; courts and juries don’t declare innocent, they declare not guilty, they don’t even declare exoneration — the statement about exoneration is misleading and it’s meaningless. And it — it colors this investigation; one word, out of the entire portion of your report, and it’s a meaningless word that has no legal meaning and it has colored your entire report.

Transcript of Mueller Testimony

Thus, through #Sourcing from a team of partisan lawyers, who failed to find evidence of collusion, is how the media tried to overthrow a duly elected president through propaganda, in a collaboration of the judiciary with the media to create a false reality, echoing the sinister Soviet show trials,

…but updated to a new media age in which the communication channels have been taken over and infiltrated by globalist concerns to supply the Chomsky/Hermann qualifiers for #Sourcing as:

“the reliance of the media on information provided by government, business, and “experts” funded and approved by these primary sources and agents of power…”

Hermann & Chomsky, ‘Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy Of The Mass Media 1988

…to levels of extreme bias using quasi -legal mumbo-jumbo to miselad the public, and whip-up mass hysteria to medieval levels against anything non-globalist:


…as a mass culture of self-righteous indignation and outrage as a narcissistic pose of media -led vanity:


…especially against Trump, and which is characterised by:

Selective coverage [which] refers to disproportionate editorial assigning and authorizing of stories we might characterize as Trump negative.

Presentational omission of counterarguments [which] refers to an unwillingness to seek out and then provide, within the stories themselves, the highest caliber of arguments in support of Trump’s perspective.

Tendentious characterizations [which] refers to an injudicious propensity to negatively interpret, analyze, and evaluate Trump’s words or actions, or to do so in an exaggerated or overdone way.

A disinclination toward meaningful self-criticism [which] just has to do with the media’s incapacity to publicly reflect on its own shortcomings, missteps, blind spots, etc.


…all of which, in a climate of manufactured hysteria against any diversity of thought or deed which is non-globalist, non-politically correct is crushed.

A climate in which Google, who censor this site from search engine listings while claiming under law to be a neutral search engine rather than a publisher, have changed the meaning of the word Nationalism to

identification with one’s own nation and support for its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations.

…in an Orwellian power-grab over information, and anything which does not celebrate phoney ‘diversity’, is crushed, using the Utopian globalist notions of ‘diversity’ :

…as a cover of kitsch sentimentality:

” Human nature demands that vile matters be haloed by an over-compensatory mystique in order to silence one’s conscience and to deceive consciousness and critical faculties, whether one’s own or those of others.”

The importance of the realisation of our situation, and the methods in use in both situations, is paramount. #HegelianDialectic as well as the #ReversiveBlockade, effectively ‘inoculating’ the masses against the REAL Russian Collusion, and REAL diversity.

Emphatically insisting upon something which is the opposite of the truth, this blocks the average person’s mind from perceiving the truth. In accordance with the dictates of healthy common sense, he starts searching for meaning in the “golden mean” between the truth and its opposite, winding up with some satisfactory counterfeit. People who think like this do not realize that this was precisely the intent of the person who subjected them to this method. […] Use of this method can be included within the above-mentioned psychological knowledge developed by psychopaths concerning the weaknesses of human nature and the art of leading others into error. Where they are in rule, this method is used with virtuosity, and to an extent conterminous with their power.

Political Ponerology: Andew Lobacewski [Added Emphasis]

This has become so widespread that it is the rule, it just takes a simple exercise of will to realise the truth.

The law of inversion is something we have discovered from bitter experience.

Sometimes clarity comes from the most unfortunate circumstance.

Discover ‘Hidden History’ as it Happens with Hegel Hashtags

“The international money marketeers care no more for the immolation of the peoples of a continent that for the death of a sparrow […] unfortunately the world is in the grasp of theorists to whom misery and death of millions is a grain of sand beside the working out of their designs.”
C.H. Douglas 1939, Social Creditor

The world is awakening at increasing speed to the agenda of the so called ‘elite’.

We are evolving the humble hashtag, mere signifier to categorise social media, into a syntax, after realising that its functionality could be used as a potential language to solve Fake News

Censorship on social media of founding partners both in our individual capacity and together as Propaganda Watchdog, proves Mainstream Media, Social Media and Big Tech have no interest in what is real and instead wish to keep people ‘asleep’ and under rigid control by dictating assertions from authority, as did the Soviet PRAVDA


…and the German:


Front page of the 31 January 1933 edition. The headline reads: “An historic day: First Acts of Hitler’s Reich Government – Völkischer Beobachter interviews Reich Minister of the Interior Frick – New cabinet holds first meeting”

The Project Veritas leak of the Pinterest policy document outlining pretty much all the things that made civilisation, civilisation as ‘Hate Speech’ gives concrete evidence of our worst suspicions.

Leaked Pinterest ‘hate speech’ protocol by Project Veritas

An end to Fake News is the last thing that they want, despite the rhetoric, and their increasing power means effectively they can control their content, wielding ever more powerful incentives and punishments

People are increasingly becoming aware that geopolitical outcomes from many wars, terrorism, revolutions, conflicts, famines and humanitarian disasters are often either pre-planned or exploited and built upon by a tiny group using the system of PROBLEM> REACTION> SOLUTION


the method by which these actions are made acceptable to the public are by indoctrination into the information monopoly of the Mainstream Media and Big Tech, backed by Academia, the research institutes, think tanks and intelligence agencies.

Also the general public who lead lives with conscience in which events process in a linear organic fashion  find it hard, at first to reconcile that traumatic unconscionable events, the consequences of which may play out over decades, and centuries even, were not linear organic historical occurrences as we are taught to believe, but predesigned, scripted, timed and  carefully executed mass psychodramas by which population is reduced profit is made and control achieved.

These are covered up by the media with Fake News telling us that these events are organic. Sounding implausible is the key element of protection, as most people think that world affairs occur due to linear causality rather than contrived pre-determination, so as the very idea of it sounds crazily unreal, this protects it from serious scrutiny.

However the realisation that ‘News’ is ‘Fake’ has now become Western society’s default position, for the first time ever.

Those who once laughed at the idea of the existence of a ‘Deep State’, are now awakening to the utter contempt with which both they and democracy are held by this terrorist bureaucracy.

As the web has enabled information sharing there should be little wonder that such ideas, once-derided as ‘conspiratorial’  are now replacing ‘celebrity’ as the common currency of conversation among we the many.

That the so called ‘elite’ schema of PROBLEM> REACTION> SOLUTION rules our lives through the creation of ‘pseudo-events’, manufactured happenings unfolding over decades, in order to drive society in a particular direction, and herd us like cattle is gradually gaining more and more traction.

In fact that is how the so-called ‘elite’ in their accident of birth describe us. Cattle.

And they drive us, not with horses, rope and sticks, but with various applications of PROBLEM> REACTION> SOLUTION or THESIS> SYNTHESIS> ANTITHESIS, also known as Hegelian Dialectic.

Whether through pseudo events, so-called celebrity, social media policy, government policy, corporate content and Fake News. This PROBLEM> REACTION> SOLUTION runs like a thread through them, all with the intent to keep the people under quiet distracted control, unaware of what they are doing to us, while the extremism of globalisation is incrementally implemented.

All who have become aware of the situation facing us, and its’ counterintuitivity have their own stories as to how they began to be informed of the real workings of the world, ours is particularly unpleasant, merely for daring to show traditionally skilled art and being censored for telling our story.

We hurt none, never published anything that was not ours, or fair use, nor benefited from celebrity lifestyle then decided to ‘leak’ its secrets, we just tried to make the best of broken childhoods, and our situation has gifted the public with a potential solution to Fake News, and a way to see the Hegelian Dialectic of  PROBLEM> REACTION> SOLUTION in action with the Propaganda Watchdog:

“Propaganda Watchdog is a new internet protocol in which web users learn the techniques of propaganda in order to deconstruct, debunk and flag propaganda in real-time using #hashtags on Social Media. […facilitating ]…a game of ‘I-spy propaganda’ in order to enable real-time recognition of coercion through the construction of an ever growing historical archiveof skulduggery.[Building a]community built database of hashtagged propaganda techniques through the ages…[will]…mean any contemporary propaganda that arises may be flagged, fact-checked and added to the archive and thus understood in historical context, categorising those involved in contemporary coercion correctly alongside their historical predecessors.”‘Propaganda WatchdogManifesto Part One (Beta v0.2)

The Hegelian dialectic has now been added to our protocol allows us to see how they are doing it, this is the ultimate solution to the puzzle enabling us to ‘join the dots’ between public figures, revolution, events, terror, scheming, media rhetoric, social media policy, public figures, kitsch and wars so we can see the bigger picture, recognize their authoritarian schemes from a birds-eye view and see the hitherto hidden history.

Eddie Bernays describes one formula in ubiquitous use:

“The modern propagandist…[in coercing the masses in a particular way] (PROBLEM/ THESIS) create circumstances which will modify… custom. He appeals… to the …instinct which is fundamental. He will endeavor to develop public acceptance of the idea …This he may do, for example, by organizing … well known [people] who themselves exert an influence on the…groups. He enhances the effectiveness and prestige of these [ideas]. Then, in order to create dramatic interest …. he stages an event or ceremony. To this ceremony key people, persons known to influence the …public, such as a famous [musician] a popular artist, and a society leader, are invited. These key persons affect other groups, lifting the idea …to a place in the public consciousness which it did not have before. The juxtaposition of these leaders, and the idea which they are dramatizing, are then projected to the wider public through various publicity channels. Meanwhile, influential [figures] have been persuaded to make the [idea] an integral … part of their plans … Less influential [figures] will as a matter of course imitate what is done by the men whom they consider masters of their profession. They in turn will implant the idea …in the mind of the general public[which] will be accepted because it has been made the thing. And the man or woman … will naturally think of [complying with the notion] It will come to him as his own idea.”

Fortunately now there is a method for spotting this diabolical method of enslavement through the very social media often banning such awakening, so everyone can learn about it, or warn others about it, at their own pace, and using their preferred examples as a method of entry from ‘Special Offers, to ‘News’, ‘celebrities’ or ‘Social Media’ itself, or for the more cerebral, via the mechanisms and ‘exploits’ used to coerce and fool us.

Now in the age of the internet, in which information can be shared, the genii of PROBLEM> REACTION> SOLUTION is out of the bottle, people can join the dots to attempt to construct the hidden history of PROBLEM> REACTION> SOLUTION. for whether you know it or not it affects every moment of every day of virtually every person on the planet.

People have, under globalisation, (as they did under the Soviets) learned to cynically scrutinise the propaganda lockstep of the globalist media, reading between the lines, filtering out the bullshit and using self-publishing (Samizdat) to preserve mental hygiene in an institutionally pathological climate of lies.

The people often only see the results on the ground, and how this agenda is harming them, and the veneer of propaganda

In this toxic climate of managed decline of Western civilisation, it is little wonder that a solution to Fake News enabled by enlightening for control are becoming the common currency in everyday parlance

By harnessing the hashtag’s potential to link people and ideas Propaganda Watchdog is taking it far beyond searchability by empowering the capability of the autonomous end user to comment on media output on Social Media, with the power to use this functionality in a brand new way, as:

All those ‘solutions’ to Fake News … are mere assertions from authority, none of them teach you to think for yourself, they don’t want a solution to Fake News, in fact they are terrified of it, so they terrorise us, who have one hoping it will silence us, and that the solution will go away.

However you can’t kill an idea, and as long as there is fibre-optic cable connecting people, they will find a way to share information online, even if it means going back to newsgroups or irc channels; or there’s always traditional post, which served its purpose very well for centuries, and before post  for hundreds of years people crossed continents, seas, deserts, epidemics and warzones by foot, horse and boat in order to deliver messages, risking and losing their lives as a matter of course, in order to share information, the most important commodity in human history.

Yes we have had threats, but the death of such messengers did not stop others from taking on the duty for their communities, in fact history shows in such situations more people stepped up to the challenge in order to fulfill the human need for accurate news.

United States of America Pony Express mail delivery route, is an example, with a distance of 1,800 miles, from St. Joseph, Missouri to Sacramento, California. It has an inscription by author Howard Roscoe Driggs which reads:


“Over this historic route [a distance of 1,800 miles, from St. Joseph, Missouri to Sacramento, California] daring young Americans on fleet horses sped night and day while other courageous men kept and supplied the stations along the far-flung, dangerous line. This pioneer fast mail service, maintained despite serious loss to its patriotic promoters, made a notable contribution to our national welfare. The Pony Express, …blazed the way for the overland stage to California, hastened the building of the first transcontinental railroad and telegraph and added one of the most stirring chapters to the history of America’s making.”

Since being obstructed we have not given up but as the architects ramp up their efforts, have now added to the Propaganda Watchdog the functionality to spot the managing of the outcome of history toward globalisation.

In the West as totalitarianism has ‘blossomed’ from the ‘seeds’ intentionally planted long ago through the financial backing of dangerous radicals like Hitler, Marx and Lenin…

…in their vast decades-long geopolitical experiments of PROBLEM> REACTION> SOLUTION or THESIS> SYNTHESIS> ANTITHESIS, known as Hegelian Dialectic carried out by financiers which have cost the lives of millions through various versions of socialism.

Research and activism through information dissemination has become unbridled from the restraints once placed upon it.  so people learn to judge for themselves how their plight has been deliberately engineered in a managed decline of civilisation.

As soon as we gain traction we can now spot them using the mere hashtag, and virally enlighten the world to the managed decline of civilisation.

While many are now already aware of what is being done to society in order to maintain control the opposition we face is a return to the Dark Ages, led by the bastions of Big Tech and the Surveillance State in a Social Engineering experiment led by the research institutes and foundations

However even some of those who stand against them and proclaim to stand for individualism, deride us judgementally without taking into account the circumstances that made us who we are as a force for good and the very fact that the damage the circumstances have caused, has in turn led to an opportunity for a light in this world.