“The political explosive force of Zersetzung heightens demands regarding the maintenance of secrecy.”
Ministry for Security of State, Dictionary of political and operational work, entry Zersetzung: Ministerium für Staatssicherheit (Hrsg.): Wörterbuch zur politisch-operativen Arbeit, 2. Auflage (1985), Stichwort: “Zersetzung”, GVS JHS 001-400/81, p. 464.
Today 9th August 2019 commemorated the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples and is organised the United Nations General Assembly.
It is celebrated globally and the date, 9th August marks the date of the inaugural session of the Working Group on Indigenous Populations at the United Nations in 1982 to organise a commemoration via the j’Indigenous Peoples and Development Branch’.
They organise an event that unites indigenous peoples’ organizations, UN agencies, Member States, civilians and stakeholders in what would appear to be a propaganda exercise and media event.
“This year’s theme is Indigenous Languages and will focus on the current situation of indigenous languages around the world within the framework of the 2019 International Year of Indigenous Languages. The aim is to highlight the critical need to revitalize, preserve, and promote indigenous languages and share good practices through expert/interactive panels and presentation of innovative initiatives on indigenous languages. The event will also showcase creative initiatives and videos on indigenous languages at the United Nations visitor’s lobby.”
International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples 2019
However, this would appear to be a #Distraction, telling us to:
‘Look Over There!’ (Third World)
‘Don’t Look Over Here!’ (The West)
…and the oppression of #CulturalGenocide being prosecuted in plain sight against the indigenous language:
…of underclass traditionally skilled artists from the indigenous Hip Hop subculture.
…in a situation which bans the autonomous representation of our work and replaces it with a fake, this war of Cultural Genocide waged against indigenous peoples by the European art market is backed by the Mainstream Media, Social Media, Big Tech, organisations, galleries, museums, charities and, it would appear, the United Nations, and is being secretly waged against the indigenous underclass, in the supposedly civilised West.
We should know we have been victims of their stalking in for over ten years of a #humanhunt of stalking, harassment burglaries, smears, censorship. blacklisting and attempted murder in which two fellow indigenous artists who spoke out against the corruption and censorship we suffer at the hands of the art market have died in mysterious, violent, circumstances.
Meanwhile our cultural identities and motifs are plagiarised and trafficked by impostors working as #strawmen for the art market offering a dumbed- down kitsch version of our culture, while we are banned, hunted, stalked and apparently murdered in the heart of the ‘free world’ the UK, Europe and beyond.
Meanwhile the United Nations work with and thus lend credibility to the art market who are actively engaged in the suppression of autonomous indigenous art.
This #distraction propaganda is waged through an apparent greenwash event which gives the impression that the United Nations are taking an active role in monitoring the unregulated and murderously predatory art market.
“The joint European Union (EU)-UNESCO project entitled “Engaging the European art market in the fight against the illicit trafficking of cultural property” aims at reinforcing the exercise of due diligence conduct in the European art trade – while sensitizing relevant stakeholders to the different implications of the unlawful trade regarding terrorism financing, organized crime and money laundering.
(i) To raise awareness of art market stakeholders regarding the legal framework of the fight against illicit trafficking of cultural property;
(ii) To provide assistance on the implementation of due diligence principles, including provenance check on the objects for sale and authenticity verification of documentation in order to avoid forged provenance information;
(iii) To strengthen cooperation among European art market professionals and public authorities and proceed to exchange good practices.
The project has two central elements: a capacity-building conference and an online knowledge-sharing platform.
The capacity-building conference on 20-21 March 2018 aims at bringing together representatives from EU Member States’ governments and the art market on equal parts and shall sensitize relevant stakeholders on the topic of due diligence.
A knowledge-sharing online platform will be accessible for the public in order for it to learn and inform itself on the issue. In cooperation with learning, a French start-up developing a digital learning platform, a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) will be created after the conference. This MOOC shall comprise relevant information on how to engage in the fight against the illicit trafficking of cultural property – also focusing specifically on the role of due diligence.
The project is co-financed by the European Commission and UNESCO.”
Engaging the European art market in the fight against the illicit trafficking of cultural property
However, in a situation in which indigenous language of underclass in the Western world in the form of traditionally skilled art of Hip Hop, graffiti writing,
…and the myriad forms which spring from it
…the underclass indigenous people’s traditional folk art is censored and blacklisted and our identities and motifs are a victim of the Illicit Trafficking of Cultural Property by establishment stooges while the grassroots art form is brutally suppressed apparently using murderous violence accompanied the Nazi/Stasi no-touch torture method of zersetzung:
“…the Stasi often used a method which was really diabolic. It was called Zersetzung, and it’s described in another guideline. The word is difficult to translate because it means originally “biodegradation.” But actually, it’s a quite accurate description. The goal was to destroy secretly the self-confidence of people, for example by damaging their reputation, by organizing failures in their work, and by destroying their personal relationships. Considering this, East Germany was a very modern dictatorship. The Stasi didn’t try to arrest every dissident. It preferred to paralyze them, and it could do so because it had access to so much personal information and to so many institutions.”
Hubertus Knabe, German Historian
“Directive 1/76 lists the following as tried and tested forms of Zersetzung, among others: a systematic degradation of reputation, image, and prestige on the basis of true, verifiable and discrediting information together with untrue, credible, irrefutable, and thus also discrediting information; a systematic engineering of social and professional failures to undermine the self-confidence of individuals; … engendering of doubts regarding future prospects; engendering of mistrust and mutual suspicion within groups …; interrupting respectively impeding the mutual relations within a group in space or time …, for example by … assigning geographically distant workplaces.”
Directive No. 1/76 of January 1976 for the development of “operational procedures”
…this is backed with brutal violence and mysterious deaths:
…meaning the event, the United Nations ‘International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples’:
…would appear to be no more than hollow propaganda enabling atrocities by working as a #ReversiveBlockade.
“Reversive blockade: Emphatically insisting upon something which is the opposite of the truth, this blocks the average person’s mind from perceiving the truth. In accordance with the dictates of healthy common sense, he starts searching for meaning in the “golden mean” between the truth and its opposite, winding up with some satisfactory counterfeit. People who think like this do not realize that this was precisely the intent of the person who subjected them to this method. If such a statement is the opposite of a moral truth, at the same time, it simultaneously represents an extreme paramoralism, and bears its peculiar suggestiveness. We rarely see this method being used by normal people; even if raised by the people who abused it; they usually only indicate its results [on their thinking] in the shape of characteristic difficulties in apprehending reality properly. Use of this method can be included within the above-mentioned psychological knowledge developed by psychopaths concerning the weaknesses of human nature and the art of leading others into error. Where they are in rule, this method is used with virtuosity, and to an extent conterminous with their power.”
Dr Andrew M. Lobaczewski, ‘Political Ponerology’
UN Ambassador Victoria Beckham is, in fact, involved in the zersetzung stalking described above, apparently on behalf of her good friend Damien Hirst:
…so the very agency asserting that they stand up for the rights of indigenous people, are directly involved in crushing them, a fact of which we have a great deal of evidence. The UN has long been criticised, for it is alleged that:
“The United Nations has exhausted its model and it is not simply a matter of proceeding with reform, the twenty-first century demands deep changes that are only possible with a rebuilding of this organisation.”
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
H.E. Mr. Jorge Valero Briceño, Chairman of the Delegation, 29 September, 2010
Venezuela also called for the UN Security Council suspension of veto rights as it was a:
“remnant of the Second World War [it] is incompatible with the principle of sovereign equality of States”
…so what is really going on with indigenous people. If the ‘powers that be’ are able to conduct a war against human rights without public knowledge in the supposed cradle of human rights, the West, how can we possible believe that just because the UN do a propaganda day for the rights of indigenous people worldwide, that they are really being respected. What is happening to the underclass indigenous peoples in the West is going on worldwide and the UN would appear to be acting as little more than a public relations bureau for the powers looting the planet.United Nations ‘International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples’ is a con. Professor John McMurtry:
“Across the world, poverty-stricken indigenous peoples have been driven off their landbases by local oligarchies who seize the land for resource extraction or cash-crop plantations to export their takings to richer markets. Those who have sought to protect the life of their communities by organized resistance have been hunted down by death-squads, napalm-bombed or otherwise attacked by armed forces representing the invasive corporate agents – a pattern of events which is still occurring from Guatemala, Chiapas, Cameroon and Ogoniland to Indonesia, Burma, China and the Philippines.
The military-industrial establishment and the armaments business it leads have their own special global interests in this restructuring of life economies to money economies. They are the world’s most powerful institutions of both organized violence and manufacture trade. Thus it is essential that they be sold as society’s primary form of ‘self-defence’ to preserve their continued control over vast pools of public wealth.To separate the human and the non-human reductions and destructions of life here is artificial.
It impacts the entire life-ground by polluting any process of it. The destruction of life habitats by global market operations also advances by other means – clearcutting forests the size of England and Wales every year, scraping ocean bottoms with miles-long dragnets of factory ships so no fish stocks are left, blacktopping countrysides and wetlands for urban developers as fast as the forests are felled – we have seen the facts.
The point here, again, is that what assaults, reduces and destroys nonhuman being also attacks the conditions of human life both directly and indirectly. ‘We cannot’, say the indigenous peoples, ‘harm any part of the earth without harming ourselves.’
The reduction of biodiversity is another themal consequence of the ‘free’ corporate market. The systematic extinction of the species at hundreds of times the natural rate will also continue as long as this system is not regulated by the ordering requirements of a life-sequence economy. As
Professor John McMurtry, ‘The Cancer Stage of Capitalism’
long as this system is left to self-regulation by the non-life principle of multiplying money-demand for money investors, it will continue to eliminate the costs of life-protection which have no place in its calculus.
[…] ethnic wars, racist attacks, armed violence, urban riots, beatings of women and children and – in general – mass murders of unknown others rise in social sites where the unemployment of young men or clearances of subsistence farmers has become endemic. This pattern can be observed from the slums of North America to the cities of Indonesia, El Salvador or Brazil. The life-loss on the psychological plane to people separated from a committed function to perform for the community to which they belong expresses itself in physical morbidities, but is a distinct plane of the systemic life decline, the most central from the standpoint of the felt side of life. The mental torments of those who are deprived of any function or value in their society can only at this stage be guessed at as a social epidemic across all able-bodied age-groups and even entire societies (for example, indigenous peoples). Where no recognized work for a wider community is or can be performed, the member of the social body is made a superfluous being who has ‘no reason to live’
How then can it be that nations who purport to respect international law continue to increase their financial support and collaboration with trading partners incontestably guilty of the most heinous violations of international law by war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide, mass murder, enslavement, and systematic torture?
Where justification is thought necessary, it argues that this profitable complicity with criminal violators is in fact good. This is predictable from the programme. Whatever promotes ‘the free circulation of capital and commodities’ … is…argued that [it] is beneficial to the victims because it will ‘bring freedom and democracy’ to the afflicted societies […] the relationship between state militaries equipped with advanced weapons commodities using these armaments to clear indigenous people off the land, a pattern as old as colonization and implemented also in such places as Guatemala, Somalia, East Timor and the Philippines.[…] International initiatives to save the environment can be used to further uproot the indigenous and the poor from their environments to, say, ‘save tropical rainforests’, a further deflection of the global market paradigm from facing the consequences of global market industrial destruction as the primary determinant of rapidly disappearing forest habitats.”
A similar trick is now being used by the UN affiliation with the art market, culture industry, Mainstream Media, Social Media and Big Tech, enabling the destruction of Western, indigenous underclass culture:
…and the driving of indigenous folk from their habitat from behind a wall of kitsch:
…through the most heinous and underhand means possible. If they can get away with covering up atrocities here in the West, just think what they might be getting away with in enabling the taking the rights of indigenous peoples globally where they are is even less opportunity for scrutiny.