About the Temporary Propaganda Watchdog Blog

“[T]he Stasi [secret police] … used a method which was really diabolic… called Zersetzung, [which] … means …”biodegradation.”… The goal was to destroy secretly the self-confidence of people, for example by damaging their reputation, by organizing failures in their work, and by destroying their personal relationships. Considering this, East Germany was a very modern dictatorship. The Stasi didn’t try to arrest every dissident. It preferred to paralyze them, and it could do so because it had access to so much personal information and to so many institutions.”

Hubertus Knabe, German Historian

Being working class but unable to work, mainly due to the above ‘Zersetzung’, ‘No-Touch-Torture’ , pioneered by German Nazis perfected by the German Stasi and utilising Mainstream Media and Big Tech, is now being used by the German Globalists.

As a part of this schedule of trauma, being applied to us despite our being child abuse survivors, and despite our being good people who have ‘minded our own business’ and just tried to excel in our respective fields, we have suffered continual attacks in all aspects of life including tech, resulting in Propaganda Watchdog being offline.

We cannot afford a tech team good enough to combat these attacks especially aimed at Propaganda Watchdog, to help the public identify Fake News, so people are at the mercy of establishment approved ‘solutions’ to Fake News emanating from the same sources who publish it, so are guided to ‘Fact Checkers’ and ‘Fake News Guides’ all inevitably put together by the very same people who have been publishing ‘Fake News’ , ‘Fake Culture’ and ‘Fake History’ for the best part of a century.

Our simple solution to the problem of Fake News, is through self-education so you can spot coercion and then flag examples in real-time on Social Media using hashtags representing academic terms, enabling forensic analysis through an online game of ‘I-Spy Propaganda’, and which is ruthlessly suppressed despite (or maybe because of) its efficacy.

“Propaganda Watchdog is a new internet protocol in which web users learn the techniques of propaganda in order to deconstruct, debunk and flag propaganda in real-time using #hashtags on Social Media. […facilitating ]…a game of ‘I-spy propaganda’ in order to enable real-time recognition of coercion through the construction of an ever growing historical archive of skulduggery. [Building a] community built database of hashtagged propaganda techniques through the ages…[will]…mean any contemporary propaganda that arises may be flagged, fact-checked and added to the archive and thus understood in historical context, categorising those involved in contemporary coercion correctly alongside their historical predecessors.”

Propaganda Watchdog Manifesto Part One (Beta v0.2)

Thus this blog is an experiment to see if we can maintain a free WordPress site, with a view to moving the content to a ‘proper’ website once we can afford a tech team.

It could be taken down, the content altered, or our machines corrupted at any time due to all our computers being infected with Remote Access Trojans (RATs).

These remain even after a Disk Nuke and System Re-install from behind a Virtual Private Networkthat is how determined *the powers that be* are to keep YOU the public from finding out how to spot ‘Fake News’.

We are also interested in what sort of harassment you may be subject to, both off and online, so we can log it adding to our records of the historical abuse from the last ten years, as the Propaganda Watchdog was only developed after, and as a result of our being subject literally to a lifetime of abuse.

“Our solution to Fake News, the Propaganda Watchdog protocol appears to be just too potentially effective; particularly for mere underclass abuse survivors,to enable at this point in time,it would seem…

All those ‘solutions’ to Fake News the Powers That Be offer, are mere assertions from authority, none of them teach you to think for yourself, they don’t want a solution to Fake News, in fact they are terrified of it, so they terrorise us, who have one hoping it will silence us, and that the solution will go away…[d]espite the supposed democracy of the web that should, in theory, enable anyone to set up a website, an organisation, if they have a good idea, this is patently only OK as long as it’s not too good an idea.

You would think, given the endless media rhetoric about diversity and a solution to Fake News, that such a solution would be heralded, not hounded!

If we were a once persecuted minority trying to start a website supporting an already won battle for equality… [we would be lauded]…”

Propaganda Watchdog Manifesto Part One (Beta v0.2)

We, the two founders, are both victims representing marginalised groups.

So marginalised that we are completely banned from any mention in any publication.

I, Jon Hammer, was a childhood victim of physical and emotional abuse, writing graffiti as a young punk kid in the early 1980s, later heralding from London’s 1980s graffiti ‘Golden Age’, painting tube trains, as I depicted in this painting:

The Golden Age

However, I left vandalism behind in the 1980s and without the benefit of access to a decent education I taught myself to paint using classical skills, using library books and visits to galleries, and lots of practice; and found that I was very good at using it to pioneer new styles, using the fluid dynamics of graffiti writing as its constituent underpinning:

Jon Hammer paintings collage

…thus giving life to new ideas, but I am censored from the art market using censorship and the Nazi/Stasi secret police stalking tactic of zersetzung, in a climate that has seen two of my fellow dissenting artists found dead in mysterious circumstances.

My co-founder and life-partner Jenny, was a victim of Serial Ritual Abuse of rape and torture from the age of three. A horrendous ordeal so severe that internal injuries nearly killed her at the age of nine, however after months in hospital at death’s door, and against all the odds, she recovered, but was so traumatised she had to had to learn to walk and talk again.

However, being of a strong character and highly intelligent, and not being one to give-in to self-pity even as a very young child, she isolated herself from her cult-group family and threw herself into work, honing her dazzling skills so effectively that by her mid twenties Jenny was providing Executive Support to a Co-Chair of the G20, the World Economic Forum, as well as supporting Investment Funds, Private Banks and Global Insurance Groups at executive level.

This glittering career provided her with the self-esteem she so badly needed as a victim of atrocious abuse, but upon turning her skills to supporting my efforts to tell my own story of abuse at the hands of the art market, was blacklisted from ALL JOBS IN THE FINANCIAL SECTOR, at which point her childhood trauma finally caught up with her at the classic MKULTRA breakdown age of 26-27 (as seen in many popular celebrities) and her health finally broke down, leaving her, according to Doctors, directly as a result of her childhood abuse, with Functional Neurological Disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Endometriosis, Fybromyalgia, Dystonia as well as night terrors, flashbacks, and phobias relating to her ordeals.

Knowledge of this has been utilised by the art market in their persecution of Jenny with zersetzung, using psychological ‘anchors’ to attempt to regress her to childhood states by using tactics such as including clothes left outside her door in the form of five or six-year old’s replicas of her own garments, as if she was being ‘undressed’, as well as sinister coded messages threatening abduction and torture, and fake ‘followers’ on Social Media using MKULTRA programming language and many more.

The ordeals we went through may turn many into criminals, however although we are far from perfect and bear many psychological scars, we have ‘broken the cycle’ of abuse, harm, coerce and trouble no-one, and instead use our lives to try and help others.

“As survivors of abuse who rely on such important work to give much-needed meaning to our lives, and vent for our gifts, as a path of light to keep us from the dark alternatives of escapism, letting go of the project we have nurtured and poured thousands of hours of research and development into, let alone money, has proven particularly difficult as we watch the UK rapidly descend into an openly authoritarian police-state in which dissidents are persecuted, expression banned and criminals protected by political correctness; we are in the midst of a tragic situation which has meant protection of barbarity is taking precedent over what were once the standards of our civilisation having been built over millennia and protected by the blood of countless millions…”

Propaganda Watchdog Manifesto Part One (Beta v0.2)

However, in this era of so called ‘victim culture’, support of ‘marginalised groups’ and ‘diversity’ we, who are most certainly among the most ‘diverse’ and surely are ‘victims’ in need of sympathy and help, are left without a voice, indicating that the entire mediascape of ‘victim culture’ and ‘diversity’ is nothing more than propaganda used by the so-called elite to fool the masses, to ‘Divide and Conquer’ through ‘Identity Politics’.

Hence I wrote a book, (still unreleased at the time of writing) detailing what is going on called ‘The Celebrity Code’ and we together formulated a method to identify propaganda in a way that EVERYONE can access, hence the Propaganda Watchdog.

For the REAL victims in this age of ‘victim culture’ are the ones not getting any news coverage, not getting commemorative days, weeks or months, not getting attention for their plight, not getting their struggle for human rights and equality championed by the Mainstream Media and Big Tech, via their allotted the politically-correct bleeding-heart celebrity mouthpieces, the ‘darlings’ of the Social Media age.

Thus we have had to work against the system and do something ourselves to help, not just other voiceless victims, but all of society being lied to by the Mainstream Media and Big Tech, by providing a protocol that enables truth to one and all.

Much of what is perceived as the opposition to the establishment have proven themselves oblivious to our unique condition, needs, and offering for solutions to the problems we face.

All posts and any feedback will, when we are able, be transferred to a more professional platform.

The power of the wealthy over the poor is epitomised in our struggle, proving that despite the counter-intuitive rhetoric, that the old colonial attitude and actions, of self entitlement and slavery, derision and abuse of the working class and our culture, is alive and well in this digital age, and no matter how good your ideas, how brilliant the quality of your content, it is ‘theirs’ for the taking, as was proven when the BBC plagiarised our launch piece on the 500 year anniversary of Martin Luther’s Reformation, and the connection between the historical event and the current era of Social Media, except ours was published on the date and offered a solution to the problem, and theirs merely stole our idea and published nearly two weeks later, long after the anniversary, was devoid of any answer to the problems of propaganda, leaving out the bit about:

“Learning propaganda techniques, capturing any possible deception on any device in real-time,and broadcasting it globally by hashtagging the possible use of propaganda,will enable people to decipher the deeply disturbing and hitherto secret language of the brainwasher as it arises in our environment, with deconstruction arcing invisibly through the atmosphere to and from devices globally. Communicating, critiquing, and correcting attempts at indoctrination through censorship, disinformation, fallacies, political correctness, prejudice, bullying, brainwashing, scams, distraction, advertising, doublespeak and psychological warfare, coercion will be exposed anywhere and everywhere it appears, thus enabling the knowledge at last, once and for all,as to what is really ‘fake news’.Now anyone willing to fight the censorship of social media can be a modern day Sherlock Holmes or Miss Marple. Whether a homeless person sheltering in the library or a billionaire sailing on his yacht; each and all may equally contribute to the exposure of the hidden agendas of anyone using propaganda,from celebrities to terrorists, enabling each spotter to be commended for their cunning, bravery and intrepid insight in enlightening the web community by transforming the secret alchemy of coercion into a popular folklore of awareness…”

Propaganda Watchdog Manifesto Beta 0.2

Surely if the BBC were inspired by the anniversary they would have published on the anniversary as we did, instead of nearly two weeks after our launch on 31st October 2017, when our site was hacked and wiped and in a sick twist, a countdown clock installed, mocking us for missing our deadline when we, two disabled abuse survivors working off our kitchen table to help the people, up against the most powerful and wealthiest people and organisations, spending the TV License payers money in the exact opposite way to which they are Chartered under law.

“BBC Monitoring consists of the monitoring (and where applicable, recording) of media output that is openly available from around the world and includes the provision of related services such as the preparation and distribution, usually in electronic form, of products such as reports and digests of international news, comment and other information.”

BBC Royal Charter

But surely it is not meant to be used to sabotage the public good and rob the poorest of the poor?

However, despite our disappointment at this treatment, the Propaganda Watchdog, and its sabotage by the BBC, as well as our delisting, censorship and shadowbanning by Google, YouTube, DuckDuckGo, Bing, our stalking on Facebook, smears on LinkedIn, we are not interested in glory, self-aggrandisement, power or reputation, we do not want to ‘own’ Propaganda Watchdog, it is for all.

Every possible ‘case’ for analysis is not going to be within our realm of knowledge.

The whole point of Propaganda Watchdog is to empower others, people who may be better at it than us.

We actively encourage others to use the Propaganda Watchdog Protocol, to change it, to rearrange it, to use it in their own ways, for their own purpose, to allow others to comment and contribute, to make it better, to improve our work.

We are not qualified in any legal, prosecutorial way, and are lacking in many other ways thus it is important that we pass on the protocol to those who are better equipped than us who may be able to use the utility more effectively that us, if we are to free the world from the power of Fake News…

Propaganda Watchdog Temporary Website and the Propaganda Watchdog Protocol is free to read, use, participate in and customise to your specifications if you desire to use the protocol to generate your own content.

Any donations to help towards the setup and ongoing running costs of the Propaganda Watchdog would be greatly appreciated.

Despite the millions allotted to finding a solution to Fake News we have not received any such support so any donations would be greatly received and will allow us to further the project.

Please click HERE to donate – thank you!


Visit www.paypal.me/propwatchdog/amount e.g. www.paypal.me/propwatchdog/10

Alternatively you can click HERE to setup a regular monthly donation.

This will assist us in the ongoing running of the Propaganda Watchdog website and work we are doing for you all, sharing all that we know and suggesting how you can participate in the solution to Fake News.

Common knowledge will collectively stop the ability for the media to manipulate.

You can help us in our effort by donating either from as little as £1 per month or more, ONLY if you can afford it, via our Patreon account.

If not, please try and ‘follow us’, ‘like’, ‘share’, or setup your own Social Media platform using the Propaganda Watchdog Protocol as you see fit.

We might be a small organisation at the moment, but the amount of suppression we are enduring, such as our website being hacked and taken down forcing us to use a free WordPress temporary website indicates the power of the protocol to expose propaganda.

If this temporary website is hacked like the others, it just adds yet even more weight to our argument! Donations will help us to hire a professional web developer, who is not compromised by dark interests and will thus enable a secure platform.

But we will always strive to find an alternative way as Governments and corporations are spending millions trying to find a ‘solution’ to Fake News that allows them to merely present more assertions from authority, while we have managed to formulate a REAL one which empowers people with the knowledge to identify coercion, in real time, merely using disability allowance cheques, brain power and determination.

We have evolved the hashtag from a signifier to a syntax, creating a NEW LANGUAGE, that cuts through propaganda to reveal truth. For all our faults, disadvantages and illness (or maybe thanks to them) we have enabled mankind with a valuable tool, we have achieved something significant to help humankind, it is representing a milestone in human consciousness, so simple and possibly equal to the invention of writing in its potential to revolutionise communication, so, despite the best censorship, the human spirit will ensure that at some point it will gain traction and virally circumvent.

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