Truth will come to light; murder cannot be hid long
Shakespeare, Merchant of Venice
The last hashtag tier down in the hashtag stack, required for the successful forensic analysis of communications, and thus propaganda, indoctrination and coercion, may be the most illuminating as to revealing the startling motivation and connectivity behind seemingly unconnected events.
whether you know it or not PROBLEM / REACTION / SOLUTION affects every moment of every day of every person on the planet, through our lives being in the context of politically engineered events throughout history, and their manifestation in everyday life. People are increasingly becoming aware that geopolitical outcomes from wars, terrorism, revolutions, conflicts, famines and humanitarian disasters are often either pre-planned or exploited and used for coercion or gain by a tiny group.
Now in the age of the internet however, in which information can be shared more-or-less freely, (for those genuinely awake souls who have the wherewithal to scour the web to communicate with like-minds), the genii of PROBLEM> REACTION> SOLUTION is out of the bottle, people can now join the dots to attempt to construct the hidden history of PROBLEM> REACTION> SOLUTION.
Possibly one of the most famous examples of PROBLEM> REACTION> SOLUTION is the #FalseFlag attack on the German Reichstag parliament building, which brought Hitler to absolute power as a Dictator and thus started the chain of events which led to World War II
THE first documentary evidence has emerged to support the view that the Nazis started the 1933 Reichstag fire that Hitler used as a pretext to establish a dictatorship. […]
After poring over 50,000 pages of hitherto unexamined documents[…] leading German historians have now concluded that the fire was a Nazi plot. Marinus van der Lubbe, 24, a pro-Communist Dutch labourer, was beheaded by the Nazis after admitting that he started the blaze alone to encourage a workers’ uprising.
The news magazine Der Spiegel backed this version of events in the 1960s after a wide-ranging investigation. Now, however, the four historians argue that Der Spiegel’s coverage was part of a cover-up by Nazi sympathisers to protect the culprits from prosecution. […]
They base their case on remarks by Adolf Rall, a thief and Nazi stormtrooper, whose body was found in woods near Berlin in November 1933. Rall is said to have told prosecutors of a meeting of the SA stormtroopers during which the SA leader, Karl Ernst, ordered them to enter the Reichstag through a tunnel and sprinkle flammable liquid inside.
Ernst is said to have told his men that an excuse was needed to begin attacking Communists. Hitler used the fire to justify the arrest and torture of 25,000 Left-wing activists and to pass an emergency decree establishing absolute Nazi authority.
Historians find ‘proof’ that Nazis burnt Reichstag By Tony Paterson in Berlin
12:00AM BST 15 Apr 2001
So we can see the Hegelian Dialectic in use.
The #HegelAgenda was National Socialist plans for World Domination.
The #HegelProblem was the need for Hitler to consolidate power as a dictator, crush opposition and garner support for his extremism of Aryan blood-purity, the scapegoating and persecution of Communists, Jews, Romanies, homosexuals etc.
The #HegelReaction was to burn down the Reichstag parliament building in a #FalseFlag attack and blame it on the Communists, who in the political chaos following World war I were competing with the Fascists for rule over Germany . As most people would in accordance with the #BigLie not believe that anyone could have the audacity or cold-bloodedness to behave so calculatedly
In the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods.
It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying.
— Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, vol. I, ch. X[1]
The #HegelSolution which came about as the result of this psychopathic #Machiavellian deed was the:
…excuse …needed to begin attacking Communists… to justify the arrest and torture of 25,000 Left-wing activists and to pass an emergency decree establishing absolute Nazi authority.
Historians find ‘proof’ that Nazis burnt Reichstag By Tony Paterson in Berlin
12:00AM BST 15 Apr 2001
…which gave Hitler absolute power as a dictator and of course led to World War II and the Holocaust.
If the deed could have been recognised as a part of the Hegelian Dialectic of PROBLEM / REACTION / SOLUTION by a broad consensus, maybe this could have been averted,
Its use as a political tool predates Hegel to the Classical era, first by Emperor Diocletian and then by Nero, possibly influencing Hegel’s writing.
“That [Galerius] might urge [Diocletian] to excess of cruelty in persecution, he employed private emissaries to set the palace on fire; and some part of it having been burnt, the blame was laid on the Christians as public enemies; and the very appellation of Christian grew odious on account of that fire.”
It is even widely held, including by Tacitus that the burning of Rome was instigated by Emperor Nero as a #FalseFlag attack in order to enable the unfettered persecution of Christians
#HegelAgenda Need for Nero to consolidate his rule, in the face of diversity of thought.
#HegelProblem Christians gaining popular support and following, thus threatening polytheism (many gods) of Roman Empire
#HegelReaction Burn Rome
#HegelSolution Blame and then burn, Christians
However the Hegelian Dialectic of PROBLEM / REACTION / SOLUTION is not limited to #FalseFlag attacks, it is manifest in much more subtle ways, and planned to work over periods of decades, centuries even.
The brainwashed victims of the pseudo-liberal media only glimpse a warped image of the results on the ground, seeing how themselves and others are being harmed.
In using #PropagandaWatchdog hashtags to flag up #FakeNews the addition of #Hegel is, like all of the others, optional, and may be used according to each persons knowledge.
Hegel hashtags may be used on its own or as a ‘wildcard’ modifier, to place #HegelProblem #HegelReaction #HegelSolution with other hashtags in order to modify their meaning and thus flag up the potential significance of events as a potential part of the process of PROBLEM> REACTION> SOLUTION (or Thesis / Antithesis / Synthesis)
However less are aware that this is effected using the system of PROBLEM> REACTION> SOLUTION also known as THESIS> SYNTHESIS> ANTITHESIS or ‘Hegelian Dialectic’
It is named after its’ inventor, (or at least the person who formally identified it) Hegel,
the influencer of Karl Marx, the architect of Socialism
…his ideas manifest in Russia in Communism at the hands of gangsters Lenin, Stalin, Kalinin, Trotsky etc
The method by which these actions in which apparently disparate events are linked are made acceptable to the public are through ignorance to their very existence, and by indoctrination into the information monopoly of the Mainstream Media and Big Tech, backed by Academia, the research institutes, think tanks and intelligence agencies.
Also the general public who lead lives with conscience in which events process in a linear organic fashion may find it hard, at first to reconcile that often traumatic unconscionable events, the consequences of which may play out over decades, and centuries even, were not linear organic historical occurrences as we are taught to believe, but predesigned, scripted, timed and carefully executed mass psychodramas by which population is reduced profit is made and control achieved.
These are covered up by the media with the distraction of Fake News telling us that these events are organic.
Seeming implausible is the key element of protection, as most people think that world affairs occur due to linear causality rather than contrived pre-determination, so as the very idea of it sounds crazily unreal, this protects it from serious scrutiny.
That the so called ‘elite’ schema of PROBLEM> REACTION> SOLUTION rules our lives through the creation of ‘pseudo-events’, manufactured happenings unfolding over decades, in order to drive society in a particular direction, and herd us like cattle is gradually gaining more and more traction.
In fact that is how the so-called ‘elite’ in their accident of birth describe us. Cattle.
And they drive us, not with horses, rope and sticks, but with various applications of PROBLEM> REACTION> SOLUTION or THESIS> SYNTHESIS> ANTITHESIS, also known as Hegelian Dialectic.
The Hegelian dialectic has now been added to our protocol allows us to see how they are doing it,
This is the ultimate solution to the puzzle enabling us to ‘join the dots’ between public figures, revolution, events, terror, scheming, media rhetoric, social media policy, public figures, kitsch and wars so we can see the bigger picture, recognize their authoritarian schemes from a birds-eye view and see the hitherto hidden history.
Whether through pseudo events, so-called celebrity, social media policy, government policy, corporate content and Fake News. This PROBLEM> REACTION> SOLUTION runs like a thread through them all with the intent to keep the people under quiet distracted control, unaware of what they are doing to us, while the extremism of globalisation is incrementally implemented.
All who have become aware of the situation facing us, and its’ counterintuitivity have their own stories as to how they began to be informed of the real workings of the world,, ours is particularly unpleasant, merely for daring to show traditionally skilled art made by old school London graffiti writers, and being censored for telling our story, we hurt none, published anything that was not ours, nor benefited from celebrity lifestyle then decided to ‘leak’ its secrets, but our situation as antagonists has gifted the public with a solution to Fake News, and now the Hegelian Dialectic of PROBLEM> REACTION> SOLUTION with the Propaganda Watchdog:
“Propaganda Watchdog is a new internet protocol in which web users learn the techniques of propaganda in order to deconstruct, debunk and flag propaganda in real-time using #hashtags on Social Media. […facilitating ]…a game of ‘I-spy propaganda’ in order to enable real-time recognition of coercion through the construction of an ever growing historical archiveof skulduggery.[Building a]community built database of hashtagged propaganda techniques through the ages…[will]…mean any contemporary propaganda that arises may be flagged, fact-checked and added to the archive and thus understood in historical context, categorising those involved in contemporary coercion correctly alongside their historical predecessors.”‘Propaganda WatchdogManifesto Part One (Beta v0.2)
Eddie Bernays describes one formula in ubiquitous use:
“The modern propagandist…[in coercing the masses in a particular way] create circumstances which will modify… custom.
[To exert control] He appeals… to the …instinct which is fundamental. He will endeavor to develop public acceptance of the idea [which is not currently accepted]
…This he may do, for example, by organizing … well known [people] who themselves exert an influence on the…groups.
He enhances the effectiveness and prestige of these [ideas]. Then, in order to create dramatic interest …. he stages an event or ceremony. To this ceremony key people, persons known to influence the …public, such as a famous [musician] a popular artist, and a society leader, are invited. These key persons affect other groups, lifting the idea …to a place in the public consciousness which it did not have before. The juxtaposition of these leaders, and the idea which they are dramatizing, are then projected to the wider public through various publicity channels. Meanwhile, influential [figures] have been persuaded to make the [idea] an integral … part of their plans …
Less influential [figures] will as a matter of course imitate what is done by the men whom they consider masters of their profession. They in turn will implant the idea …in the mind of the general public[which] will be accepted because it has been made the thing. And the man or woman … will naturally think of [complying with the notion] It will come to him as his own idea.”
Fortunately now there is a method for spotting this diabolical method of enslavement through the very social media often banning such awakening, so everyone can learn about it, or warn others about it, at their own pace, and using their preferred examples as a method of entry from ‘Special Offers, to ‘News’, ‘celebrities’ or ‘Social Media’ itself, or for the more cerebral, via the mechanisms and ‘exploits’ used to coerce and fool us.
People have, under globalisation, (as they did under the Soviets) learned to cynically scrutinise the propaganda lockstep of the globalist media, reading between the lines, filtering out the bullshit and using self-publishing (Samizdat) to preserve mental hygiene in an institutionally pathological climate of lies.