CATEGORY: #Brainwashing The next tier down in the hashtag stack, required for the successful forensic analysis of communications, and thus propaganda, indoctrination and coercion, we have put forth as ‘Brainwashing’,
While this process is present in the other categories, and is engineered from a combination of techniques, we found that the techniques of the ‘Eight Totalist Themes’as identified by Robert Lifton in his book ‘Thought Reform and the Psychology of “Brainwashing” in China’, encapsulate the process, and meaning can be refined in how they implement the above and below categorised stratagem to engineer indoctrination to successfully analyse comms.
1.#Milieu control
8.#DispensingOfExistence+ 1
Return to Top/ Return to Contents-thenTotalitarian Enforcement(Intermediate Propaganda Watchdogs)…CATEGORY: #TotalitarianEnforcementLEVEL: INTERMEDIATEWATCHDOGThe next tier down in the hashtag stack, required for the successful forensic analysis of communications, and thus propaganda, indoctrination and coercion, we can go on to the techniques of the implementation of the aboveand how they are implement the above and below stratagemare enforcedas tools of the ‘Authoritarian/TotalitarianEnforcement’such as complex strategiesof the macrosocial pathocratic. These techniques are established methods but are grouped together as #OriginalResearch (#OR) as tools of the Authoritarian / Totalitarian such as:1.#PsychologicalWarfare 2.#Zersetzung3.#SoftDisclosure4.#LimitedHangout5.#Narcotising Dysfunction6.#RevelationoftheMethod7.#PersonalityCult8.#TurningUpsideDown (aka #NegativeSelection)9.#StrategicTension10.#DisinformationAgent